Battle of Messines: False Dawn for Soldiers Anzac and Irish

June 7 marks the centenary of the Battle of Messines, a battle in which Anzacs and Irishmen fought alongside each other.

Messines was a battle that promised hope on many levels: it was a battle well planned and well executed, one designed to minimise casualties, and a battle which had a successful outcome, up to then a rare occurrence for the Allies after 1914.… Read the rest

The 1967 referendum on Aborigines: influence of the Irish troika

The referendum of 27 May 1967 approved two amendments to the Australian constitution relating to Indigenous Australians. Endorsed by 90.77% of the votes cast and a majority of votes in all six states, the amendments empowered the federal parliament to legislate for the Aboriginal race in the states and included Aboriginal Australians in determinations of the population.… Read the rest